Patentsview's "Recently" Issued Design Patents

This page is sending in a get request to the /patents endpoint with the following parameters:
&f=["patent_number", "patent_date", "patent_title", "uspc_subclass_id", "cpc_subgroup_id"]
&s=[{"patent_date":"desc"}, {"patent_number":"desc"}]

In English that's asking for patents with a patent_type of Design, specifying a list of fields to return please, and if it's not too much bother could the patents come back with a primary sort by patent date descending and a secondary sort of patent number descending? Initially we ask for the first page of 20 patents (the default size since we didn't specify one). We request the next page of patents on subsequent presses of the "Get More Patents!" link.

To make a spreadsheet analogy, we're asking for rows of sorted patent data where the columns are the ones specified in the "f" parameter. Pretty cool, huh?

There are problems though. Plant patents and design patents (and reissued patents of either type) are still assigned uspc_subclass_ids. The "Recent" is because the patentsview data lags by several months. Patents are issued each Tuesday and the most recent ones patentsview has are shown below.

The patent numbers below have been changed to links that bring up that patent at the uspto's site. There you will see the uspc's that the api should be returning. Even the ones below that display a uspc are not always correct- they only show one uspc when there are multiple classifications for the patent.

Patent No.Issue DateTitleUS Classification(s)cpc(s)
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