Patentsview Missing Plant Patent CPCS
I found that more than
17,000 plant patents on have been assigned
cpcs! (cpc=Cooperative Patent Classification) I don't recall seeing the memo saying that plant patents could
receive cpc assignments. This page is asking patentsview for data on those
same plant patents. The results below show that patentsview does not send back uspcs
or cpcs as they should. I've turned the patent numbers into links
that will bring up the patent on where these fields
are present. Apparently the patentsview people did not receive the
cpc memo either! (The root cause is that the bulk cpc file produced by the uspto only contains cpcs for utility patents.)
The cpcs shown on the uspto pages are the cpcs when the patent was issued. The patentsview api uses the current cpc file provided by the uspto, the U.S. Patent Grant Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Master Classification File (MCF). This file only contains cpcs for utility patents. It does not contain cpcs for plant patents or reissued patents as it should.
Patent No. | Issue Date | Type | Title |
US Classification(s) | cpc(s) |
Requesting data from Patentsview. Results will appear here
in a few seconds! |
Rows returned:
Raw data as returned by patentsview