Missing Patentsview Patents
Here we hit the patents endpoint asking for a few specific patents. These are some of the
266 patents that are mistakenly not fully searchable at the uspto and are
apparently not in the bulk xml files that the patentsview database is built from. As shown below, the patentsview api does not return any data for these patents.
Here the patent numbers are links to the patent at the uspto's site. The links show that only the image of the patent is present, not the fully searchable patent text. They should
be fully searchable since they were issued after 1975.
- D263515 1982-03-30
- PP04832 1982-03-30
- RE30889 1982-03-30
- 4321708 1982-03-30
- PP09451 1996-02-13
- PP09453 1996-02-13
Raw data as returned by patentsview