Bad Api Request Test
Here we intentionally make a bad request to the /patents endpoint with the parameters below. In a
browser the same url will return a helpful error code and string but
the call from this page fails to receive the error response. Chrome's inspect shows this red error:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.. This is bad as the
helpful error message cannot be displayed below or on the
Swagger UI page. I'll have to report this to the api team and hopefully they will fix it.
It's like they are unintentionally hiding the error from you which makes it harder for you to fix. There is a similar problem on the ultra-helpful X-Status-Reason header
the api thoughtfully populates. Basically the api team isn't being as helpful as they could be! I doubt this is intentional.
In English that's asking for patents with a patent_type of Utility, specifying a list of fields
to return please, and if it's not too much bother could the patents come back
with a primary sort by patent date descending and a secondary sort of patent number descending?
Patent No. | Issue Date | Title | US Classification(s) | CPC Classification(s) |
Requesting data from Patentsview. Results will appear here
in a few seconds! |
Rows returned:
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