The State of England

Update: this seems to be fixed now. The locations endpoint no longer returns locations with a location_state of England.

Here are locations where the state is England. This page is sending in a get request to the locations endpoint with the following parameters:

&f=["location_total_num_patents", "location_state", "location_country", "location_latitude", "location_longitude", "location_city","location_id"]
&s=[{"location_country":"asc"},{"location_state":"asc"}, {"location_city":"asc"}]

The map below is initially centered in England. To display the map centered on one of the weird cities, click on the corresponding radio button and then click the "Center Map" link. Clicks on the location_id will show the raw data from the locations endpoint for that id below the map. This phenomenon does not seem limited to the US; other countries have similar rows.

The State of England   Center Map
#CityStateCountry latitude longitudelocation_id
Requesting data from Patentsview. Results will appear here in a few seconds!