. There are a few
associated with this data though.
Click a gov_id to see a portion of the heirarachy and the associated patents.
The name column is blanked out below if it matches the level_one, level_two or level_three column to make the hierarachy more apparent. Here's
of the same data.
Government Organizations |
gov_id | level_one | level_two | level_three | name |
30 | Antitrust Modernization Commission | | | |
33 | Central Intelligence Agency | | | |
4 | Denali Commission | | | |
34 | Department of Agriculture | | | |
106 | Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Research Service | | |
105 | Department of Agriculture | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | | |
102 | Department of Agriculture | Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service | | |
101 | Department of Agriculture | Forest Service | | |
103 | Department of Agriculture | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | | |
104 | Department of Agriculture | Natural Resources Conservation Service | | |
2 | Department of Commerce | | | |
41 | Department of Commerce | Bureau of Industry and Security | | |
42 | Department of Commerce | Economic Development Administration | | |
46 | Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration | | |
43 | Department of Commerce | Library of Congress | | |
37 | Department of Commerce | Maritime Administration | | |
39 | Department of Commerce | National Institute of Science and Technology | | |
44 | Department of Commerce | National Institute of Standards and Technology | | |
111 | Department of Commerce | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Advanced Technology Program | |
40 | Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | | |
38 | Department of Commerce | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | | |
45 | Department of Commerce | Technology Administration | | |
3 | Department of Commerce | U.S. Census Bureau | | |
5 | Department of Defense | | | |
53 | Department of Defense | Air Force | | |
189 | Department of Defense | Air Force | Air Force Materiel Command | |
164 | Department of Defense | Air Force | Air Force Materiel Command | Electronic Systems Center |
142 | Department of Defense | Air Force | Air Force Office of Scientific Research | |
143 | Department of Defense | Air Force | Air Force Research Laboratory | |
55 | Department of Defense | Army | | |
161 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Corps of Engineers | Construction Engineering Research Laboratory |
146 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Materiel Command | |
144 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Materiel Command | Army Aviation and Missile Command |
145 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Materiel Command | Army Contracting Command |
154 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Materiel Command | Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center |
185 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Materiel Command | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research |
148 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Medical Research and Materiel Command | |
190 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Medical Research and Materiel Command | Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine |
147 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Medical Research and Materiel Command | Army Medical Research |
199 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Medical Research and Materiel Command | Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center |
153 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Research, Development and Engineering Command | |
149 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Research, Development and Engineering Command | Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center |
150 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Research, Development and Engineering Command | Army Natick Soldier Systems Center |
151 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Research, Development and Engineering Command | Army Research Laboratory |
152 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Research, Development and Engineering Command | Army Research Office |
155 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Research, Development and Engineering Command | Army Soldier Systems Center |
156 | Department of Defense | Army | Army Space and Missile Defense Command | |
157 | Department of Defense | Army | xa0Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Centerxa0 | Aviation Applied Technology Directorate |
52 | Department of Defense | Coast Guard | | |
50 | Department of Defense | Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office | | |
54 | Department of Defense | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | | |
169 | Department of Defense | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Microsystems Technology Office | |
60 | Department of Defense | Defense Information Systems Agency | | |
56 | Department of Defense | Defense Intelligence Agency | | |
57 | Department of Defense | Defense Logistics Agency | | |
65 | Department of Defense | Defense Threat Reduction Agency | | |
162 | Department of Defense | Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program | | |
58 | Department of Defense | Federal Bureau of Investigation | | |
59 | Department of Defense | Marine Corps | | |
61 | Department of Defense | Missile Defense Agency | | |
63 | Department of Defense | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency | | |
62 | Department of Defense | National Reconnaissance Office | | |
51 | Department of Defense | National Security Agency | | |
64 | Department of Defense | Navy | | |
196 | Department of Defense | Navy | Naval Air Systems Command | |
172 | Department of Defense | Navy | Naval Air Systems Command. | Naval Air Warfare Center |
173 | Department of Defense | Navy | Naval Medical Research Center | |
174 | Department of Defense | Navy | Naval Sea Systems Command | |
176 | Department of Defense | Navy | Naval Sea Systems Command | Naval Surface Warfare Center |
175 | Department of Defense | Navy | Naval Supply Systems Command | |
179 | Department of Defense | Navy | Office of Naval Research | |
181 | Department of Defense | Navy | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific | |
182 | Department of Defense | Special Operations Command | | |
184 | Department of Defense | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program | | |
197 | Department of Defense | United States Transportation Command | Office of Research and Technology Applications | |
24 | Department of Education | | | |
194 | Department of Education | National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research | | |
10 | Department of Energy | | | |
141 | Department of Energy | Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy | | |
78 | Department of Energy | Argonne National Laboratory | | |
49 | Department of Energy | Atomic Energy Commission | | |
84 | Department of Energy | Bonneville Power Administration | | |
159 | Department of Energy | Brookhaven National Laboratory | | |
160 | Department of Energy | Center for Plant and Microbial Complex Carbohydrates | | |
86 | Department of Energy | Energy Information Administration | | |
79 | Department of Energy | Energy Research and Development Administration | | |
85 | Department of Energy | Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory | | |
81 | Department of Energy | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | | |
76 | Department of Energy | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | | |
80 | Department of Energy | Los Alamos National Laboratory | | |
83 | Department of Energy | National Energy Technology Laboratory | | |
77 | Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration | | |
82 | Department of Energy | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | | |
75 | Department of Energy | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | | |
178 | Department of Energy | Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy | | |
165 | Department of Energy | Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy | | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
198 | Department of Energy | Office of Science | | |
187 | Department of Energy | Office of Science | Basic Energy Sciences | |
191 | Department of Energy | Office of Science | Biological and Environmental Research | |
177 | Department of Energy | Office ofxa0Nuclear Energy | Nuclear Energy University Program | |
47 | Department of Energy | Sandia National Laboratories | | |
19 | Department of Health and Human Services | | | |
25 | Department of Health and Human Services | | | |
158 | Department of Health and Human Services | Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority | | |
91 | Department of Health and Human Services | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | | |
112 | Department of Health and Human Services | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | |
90 | Department of Health and Human Services | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | | |
96 | Department of Health and Human Services | Food and Drug Administration | | |
92 | Department of Health and Human Services | Health Resources and Services Administration | | |
94 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Center for Infectious Diseases | | |
95 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | | |
121 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | Fogarty International Center | |
119 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Cancer Institute | |
137 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences | |
115 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Center for Research Resources | |
129 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Eye Institute | |
113 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | |
125 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Human Genome Research Institute | |
133 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | |
118 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases | |
135 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering | |
122 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | |
136 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | |
131 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | |
123 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences | |
116 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | |
114 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Mental Health | |
126 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | |
124 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Nursing Research | |
132 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute on Aging | |
134 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | |
117 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders | |
127 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute on Drug Abuse | |
195 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute on Drug Abuse | |
130 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | |
120 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | National Library of Medicine | |
128 | Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health | Public Health Service | |
93 | Department of Health and Human Services | Publich Health Service | | |
13 | Department of Health, Education, and Welfare | | | |
17 | Department of Homeland Security | | | |
163 | Department of Homeland Security | Domestic Nuclear Detection Office | | |
88 | Department of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency | | |
193 | Department of Homeland Security | Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency | | |
89 | Department of Homeland Security | Transportation Security Administration | | |
6 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | | | |
7 | Department of Justice | | | |
66 | Department of Justice | National Institute of Justice | | |
32 | Department of State | | | |
100 | Department of State | Agency for International Development | | |
29 | Department of the Interior | | | |
98 | Department of the Interior | Bureau of Mines | | |
99 | Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation | | |
192 | Department of the Interior | Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement | | |
167 | Department of the Interior | Interior Business Center | | |
109 | Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service | | |
9 | Department of Transportation | | | |
67 | Department of Transportation | Federal Aviation Administration | | |
72 | Department of Transportation | Federal Highway Administration | | |
73 | Department of Transportation | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration | | |
71 | Department of Transportation | Federal Railroad Administration | | |
68 | Department of Transportation | Federal Transit Administration | | |
74 | Department of Transportation | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | | |
70 | Department of Transportation | Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration | | |
69 | Department of Transportation | Research and Innovative Technology Administration | | |
1 | Department of Veterans Affairs | | | |
139 | Employment Standards Administration | | | |
26 | Environmental Protection Agency | | | |
180 | Environmental Protection Agency | Office of Research and Development | | |
171 | Executive Office of the President of the United States | National Science and Technology Council | | |
110 | Executive Office of the President of the United States | Office of Management and Budget | | |
16 | Federal Communications Commission | | | |
22 | Federal Reserve System | | | |
36 | General Services Administration | | | |
108 | General Services Administration | Federal Acquisition Regulation | | |
35 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | | | |
166 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Glenn Research Center | | |
168 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Johnson Space Center | | |
107 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | National Space Biomedical Research Institute | | |
183 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Stennis Space Center | | |
140 | National Park Service | | | |
31 | National Science Foundation | | | |
170 | National Science Foundation | National Robotics Initiative | | |
28 | National Security Council | | | |
15 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | | | |
20 | Office of National Drug Control Policy | | | |
138 | Office of Special Counsel | | | |
23 | Office of the Director of National Intelligence | | | |
97 | Office of the Director of National Intelligence | Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity | | |
12 | Postal Regulatory Commission | | | |
11 | Postal Service | | | |
14 | Small Business Administration | | | |
87 | Small Business Administration | Small Business Innovation Research | | |
8 | Social Security Administration | | | |
21 | Tennessee Valley Authority | | | |
27 | Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences | | | |
18 | United States Government | | | |
186 | United States Government | | | |